This three-day rock climbing course in the heart of Corsica, in Corte, in the Restonica valley and on the limestone cliffs of Francardo or Caporalino, will allow us to learn and perfect our skills to become independent climbers. These three days of climbing will give us the opportunity to learn and perfect our skills to become independent climbers. We'll look at belaying techniques, re-belaying, roping, the use of belaying equipment and much more.
How to become autonomous photo gallery
I’ll be working with you over the three days to help you improve the various techniques that are essential for safe climbing. Creating automatisms also means protecting yourself from serious accidents, often due to carelessness or lack of practice. Without these basics it’s hard to climb with any peace of mind.
In preparation
On the date of your choice
In preparation
In preparation
In preparation
In preparation
DĂ©part garanti dĂšs 2 personnes (voir liste de prix).
Possibilité de privatiser le séjour.
J’ai choisi de ne pas mettre une fiche d’inscription dĂ©finitive en ligne. Je reprendrai contact avec vous sous 72 heures.
Je vous répondrai aussi rapidement que possible. Je suis parfois accroché à une corde ou au pied d'une falaise. Merci de votre patience si la réponse n'est pas instantanée. En espérant vous voir trÚs prochainement en Corse, sur un rocher. AgnÚs